Moments of Aliveness. Life is always flowing. Our body, as an embodied expression of life, is where we experience life.
To live is not merely to achieve goals, buy a house, or make a lot of money; it is to embrace life as it comes and to welcome moments of aliveness. These moments are what give our lives meaning.
In trauma work, we refer to these moments as "glimmers"-those inner resources of presence, connection, and warm, fuzzy feelings.
"Triggers," on the other hand, are things that bring back distressing memories of past trauma, leading to anxiety or panic.
Reconnecting to glimmers is important because they turn pain into a journey of healing and resilience.
Beneath our traumas lies our aliveness. Healing involves allowing those sprouts of life to break through the thick layers of inner freeze.
We all have a part of us that is vital, potent, unbroken, present, expressive, and in the flow of life. This part is our will to live, our innermost "yes" to life.
In this movement class, we will invite these sprouts of life to flow through us, helping us find safe ground within so that they can flourish, grow, and expand.
What is a movement class?
Movement classes offer personal development through movement. Each session encourages a connection with your body, explores emotions, and accesses the wisdom of your soul.
By integrating mindful embodied practices and conscious dance, these classes promote holistic integration, emotional release, authenticity, and inner harmony.
Movement practices have their roots in body-centered psychotherapy and have evolved over the years to incorporate various techniques aimed at emotional regulation and expression.
These practices include:
Structured Movement and Breathing Exercises
Conscious Dance and Shamanic Dance
Storytelling, Meditation, and Embodied Imagination
Authentic Movement
28th of FEBRUARY from 19.15-20.30
Where?SALIG, Masnedøgade 20,2100 København Ø
Cost: 160 DKKEarly bird: 130 DKK until 19th of February
What do I need to know?
You don't need any prior experience. All you need is your willingness to show up and move. And maybe a bottle of water. Wear something comfortable so that you can move with ease.
Pris: 130 kr